
Raquel Correia: Navigating the Future of Medical Excellence

Who Exactly Am I?

Hey there! I’m Raquel. Imagine me as your healthcare sherpa, guiding you through the wilds of efficiency hacks with a stethoscope in one hand and a toolbox of tech in the other. I live in the crossroads of Value-Based Health Care (VBHC), medical education, and artificial intelligence (AI). My mission? To shake up the old school ways of medicine, making things not just faster and smarter, but downright impactful. Because, let’s be honest, the future of healthcare needs more than a band-aid—it needs a revolution.

Why You've Landed Here

So, you’re on the cusp of something big. Whether it’s diving headfirst into the world of VBHC, weaving AI into the fabric of patient care, or revolutionizing medical education through automation, consider me your co-pilot. I’m here to dish out the insights, strategies, and game-changing shortcuts I’ve stumbled upon. Together, we’ll navigate the future of healthcare, armed with the confidence to make waves.

My Odyssey (Thus Far)

From the frontlines as a clinician to the strategy rooms as a Chief Medical Officer, from the head of the class as an educator to the grind of a Ph.D. researcher—my path has been anything but straight. It’s been a wild ride fueled by an insatiable appetite for innovation. Leading change, mentoring the next generation of leaders, and diving deep into the potential of AI in medical education, I’ve worn many hats, and I’m not done yet. Our journey together? It’s about rewriting the rules of healthcare, one innovation at a time.

The Heart of the Matter:
Why I Do What I Do

At its core, my drive is simple: I envision a future where healthcare isn’t just more efficient but fundamentally more human. By marrying VBHC with the transformative power of education and AI, I see a world on the horizon where patients aren’t just numbers but the north star—guiding education and practice through their shared experiences and outcomes. Where AI doesn’t just crunch numbers but opens doors to personalized education, evolving practices, and, ultimately, better patient outcomes. This is the future I’m working towards. Will you join me?

Ready to Make a Difference?

Think we can spark a revolution together? I’d love to hear from you. Whether it’s a project, an idea, or just a shared passion for turning the healthcare world on its head, let’s chat. The road to change is more fun (and effective) when we travel it together.