
Empowering Healthcare Evolution
with VBHC, AI, and Education

Exploring the future of healthcare with a dash of humor and a ton of insights - because serious change doesn't have to be serious

Meet Raquel:
Your Guide to Healthcare Innovation

Hey there! I'm Raquel, part strategist, part visionary, and all about redefining the healthcare landscape. With my feet planted in the worlds of Value-Based Health Care (VBHC), artificial intelligence (AI), and groundbreaking medical education, I'm here to lead you through the complexities of modern medicine with a blend of expertise and a dash of irreverence. Why? Because transforming healthcare should be as exciting as it is essential. Let’s embark on this journey together.

Our Exploration Areas

Diving Deeper into Healthcare


Value-Based Health Care is our north star, guiding us towards a future where care is measured by patient outcomes, not just procedures. It's the heart of our mission to ensure healthcare systems reward what truly matters. Join me in exploring how VBHC can reshape our world.

AI in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence isn’t just for techies. In our hands, it’s a tool to unlock unprecedented efficiencies and personalizations in patient care. Dive into how AI is not just changing, but revolutionizing, the healthcare landscape.

Medical Education

Medical Education is on the brink of a renaissance, propelled by innovation and technology. Discover how we can mold the next generation of healthcare professionals to be not just skilled practitioners, but visionary leaders in their fields.

Latest Insights & Sandbox Discoveries

Welcome to my sandbox - the place where curiosity meets groundbreaking ideas in healthcare. From the latest in VBHC and AI breakthroughs to fresh takes on medical education, this is where I share my experiments, insights, and the occasional thought bubble. Ready to play?

Sharing Knowledge, Sparking Change

Speaking isn’t just about sharing ideas; it’s about igniting conversations that lead to real change. I bring a mix of insight, innovation, and, yes, humor to every stage I step on.
But here’s the deal - I choose engagements that promise impact and align with our shared mission to revolutionize healthcare. Think your event fits the bill? Let’s talk.

Let's talk!

Got a spark of an idea? A challenge that’s been nagging at you? Or maybe you’re ready to transform healthcare together? Whatever it is, I’m all ears. I’m here to connect, collaborate, and maybe even concoct a little bit of change along the way. Reach out, and let’s start a conversation that could change everything.